Super Unique Reflections: 6/8/2020

*Don’t worry, I know none of these things are unique. But they’re good, so listen up. 

What I’m Reading: 

Starting: Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter 

Finishing: Swing Time by Zadie Smith 

Pretty Girls is, in fact, about “pretty girls.” More specifically, “pretty girls who get murdered.” It’s dark, and creepy, and really addicting. And the TWIST in the middle really got me. If you’re into true crime, or complicated sister relationships, I highly recommend it.

Swing Time has been great, and I will probably dedicate a full post to it later. It’s all about female identity (personal, professional, racial), mother relationships, friendships, etc, and the most unique coming-of-age story I’ve read in a while. Zadie Smith is a beautiful writer, and a pretty regular New Yorker contributor, so look for her if you are a subscriber.

(Check the bottom of the post for links to both books.)

What I’m Listening To: 

I listened to the “‘Revolution Now’: in Conversation with Rachel Cargle” episode of the Almost 30 podcast. It was a re-release of an episode they did a while ago, and as timely as ever. The most interesting part for me was when Cargle talked about her relationship to the feminist movement, and the ways in which black women have been excluded (both historically and now). I really couldn’t believe that I had never heard this narrative before, and had to pause and do some of my own research. Turns out a lot of the “heroes” of the feminist movement exhibited some pretty shady behavior towards their African American counterparts. This also got me thinking about what feminism means to me, and how my wants and priorities might be very different than someone else’s. I highly recommend giving it a listen. 

I’ve also been listening to The Daily pretty much every morning. This is my on-and-off “usual” routine, but I feel like I can’t go without it these days. 

What I’m Eating: 

I’ve been eating Liz Moody’s “Healthier Chocolate Chip Cookies” a LOT. They’re delicious and high in protein. My kid has no idea that they’re healthy, and the recipe is easy enough that we can make them together. 

What I’m Wearing: 

I bought this shirt from Amazon, and I know it’s dumb, but I love it. If only my kids could read. 

What I’m Grateful For: 

  1. My friends (both online and IRL) for supporting, educating and lifting each other up. I have learned so much this week, and am excited to keep learning about how to be a better advocate for change (in my family, my classroom, and the world at large).  
  2. All of the amazing women whose resources I used (and PAID for) this week. Including Tiffany Jewell @tiffanymjewell, Charnaie @hereweeread, Vera Ahiyya @thetututeacher, The Conscious Kid @consciouskid, and Bethany Edwards @biracialbookworms.
  3. My lovely family, and the fact that we continue to be healthy. 
  4. My wonderful friend and veterinarian for, once again, saving my dog from a toxic ingestion… FYI, you DO NOT want to let your dog eat raisins. 
  5. THE INTERNET for providing me with this creative outlet. 

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